Antique Décor for $9

While were waiting ever so patiently for our house to get finished, I've been collecting furniture and decor items along the way. Thought I'd share a most recent find that involves both historical framed drawings and paying next to nothing for them!

Old drawing book I found a few months ago in a used book store on the clearance section, always thinking how I can use things and planning ahead.

You really can't beat $3 for a book from 1950!

Question: Whats better than a simple frame that has oodles of potential?

Answer: A simple frame with multiple clearance stickers from Target! You know its a must buy when you have to do a double take at the price.

Finished product all for $8.96,

Crazy savings when you think about comparable similar finds I found online starting around $40 for one! ... I am not known for my math but I'm figuring if I found these in a store I'd personally be willing to pay around twenty apiece and I've found some decent comparable framed art online for forty apiece so savings are between 78-89% off!

Crystal Bridge Conservatory

Hello all! Hope everyone's enjoying the long holiday weekend as I thought I'd share our recent trip to the Myriad Botanical Gardens's Crystal Bridge Conservatory. The conservatory was beautiful as the photos do not nearly do justice, thus everyone must come visit! Our calendar is starting to fill up with planned guest, so book your trip to visit soon! :) 

haha, Don't let Ed fool you. He enjoyed it

...told you so.

Ed + Easter Island statue = Love